Shirk Music Studio

Where to get a piano:
If you are looking to purchase an instrument, please ask for recommendations. Sources for used instruments include Craigslist or FaceBook Marketplace, or piano stores in Spotsylvania, Richmond, or Washington. But whenever buying a used instrument from an individual, always get a professional opinion on its condition, from either myself or a piano technician. It's important to inspect the inside of the piano, the action, how the pedal is regulated, the hammers, the soundboard, and other things you may not think of. In other words, pay more attention to the inside of the piano than the outside!

This website has some good information about purchasing a second-hand instrument:

For the items listed below, don't forget to check out Ebay for used items that may be less expensive. In addition, I will buy back any of these items from you if you ever choose to not continue with the piano for any reason. I can then sell these items to other interested families.

My favorite type of metronome for students looks like this:

For a great adjustable foot rest:

This one doesn't have as many adjustment options, but may be a good option for some students:

A popular pedal extender:

41HztQ5MMSL._AC_.jpgAn adjustable piano bench:

PSC-PL-1.jpgThis site has many piano accessories, such as seat cushions, adjustable benches, and foot rests: